Please remember:
- Support your child by attending and encouraging others to attend CYS performances.
- Support CYS through your volunteer efforts & fundraising.
- Parking Lot | Rehearsal Monitor Schedule: Parents of all students have been assigned a date to monitor the parking lot after rehearsal and help with set up and clean up of the rehearsal room. Please mark your calendars. More information will be provided to those parents monitoring parking lots at venues other than Almond Elementary School. Thank you for your help in ensuring our musicians' safety!
- Each family will be asked to sign up for at least 4 hours of service during the season. This is great way to make new friends and help CYS at the same time.
Please stay tuned throughout the season for ways to sign up:
More information throughout the season will be provided by the VP Coordinators.
Parking Lot & Rehearsal Monitor (Assigned)
Workshops - Cookie Sign-up Sheet
December 15 - Winter Concert, Cañada College Theater, Redwood City
March 1 - Festival Concert, Cañada College Theater, Redwood City
March/April Weekends - Season Entrance Auditions (TBD)
May 24 (Memorial Day) - Season Finale Concert, San Mateo Performing Arts Center
Many thanks for the opportunity to work and grow with your children and for your dedication and support of their musical careers. You are the magic that makes it all possible!