Welcome to the California Youth Symphony family. The California Youth Symphony is able to maintain the year-round operations of two full symphony orchestras and six training programs with only a few administrative staff. This is possible because many vital tasks are accomplished by volunteers. Parents of CYS musicians provide much of the daily support and encouragement that contributes to the overall success of the organization. CYS staff also depends heavily on parents when planning and running important events, looking for volunteers, and for providing financial support through contributions.
Parent Orientation Meetings are held on the first rehearsal of the season in September and attendance is mandatory. Please see the Season Schedule for dates and times. The Parent Orientation Meeting will provide parents with important scheduling details, policy information, and ways to get involved in special projects. Parent meetings are also a chance for parents to get to know each other, exchange ideas, and discuss carpooling arrangements in a casual setting.
In addition to providing the highest quality musical experiences, California Youth Symphony strives to teach students about professionalism, responsibility, and personal integrity. CYS asks our parents to help their children fulfill their responsibilities to CYS programs by encouraging 100% attendance, prompt arrival at rehearsals and concerts, private lessons on their instrument and at-home practice and preparation.
California Youth Symphony Volunteer Parents is a group of parents who support and serve the student musicians and the CYS organization through the efforts of:
- Fundraising
- Enrichment Events
- Student Support Activities
- Community Service
WE NEED YOU!!! California Youth Symphony would not be the organization that it is today without the tremendous support it receives from parents. Our parents provide service in a variety of areas, and there are opportunities to match every interest.
- VOLUNTEER SERVICE: Each CYS parent is required to volunteer in one or more of the areas below so that we can continue to provide our children with this valuable musical experience.
- For a list of service descriptions and links to sign-up to volunteer at our events, please continue to read below.
- Parents interested in serving as a part of the Parent Partners in a leadership capacity, please call Mrs. Pang at 650-325-6666 or MrsPang@cys.org.
- Parents who would like to get involved in volunteering with CYS on special projects relating to publicity, fundraising, hospitality, office help, or assistance at concerts, please call Mrs. Pang at 650-325-6666 or MrsPang@cys.org.
Tuition covers approximately 30 percent of the actual program costs to participate in CYS. Additionally, we provide approximately 1 in 4 students with financial assistance. CYS is able to keep tuition costs as low as possible and provide financial assistance because of the generosity of our supporters. We encourage all families to make an annual financial contribution in an amount with which they are comfortable. You can also help by connecting CYS with local foundations and corporations, by checking with your company to see if they will match your gifts or by attending one of our annual fundraising events.
Due to the large number of children involved in our programs, we request your help in monitoring student activities whenever you are present at a rehearsal or other event under the auspices of CYS. This includes help in the event of a building evacuation. Fire and building safety procedures will be presented at all parent meetings. Please also notify a CYS staff person if you become aware of any students violating any of the behavioral codes as defined in the Policies & Procedures. We appreciate your help with these matters.
All parents working closely with CYS have a responsibility to help create a safe environment for all students. Please do not send peanuts, nuts or derivatives (nut butters, nut oil) for snacks or treats It is important that children learn to manage their own allergies as they become developmentally able to do so. However, we ask that you do not send snacks or treats to CYS that contain peanuts, nuts or derivatives.
Service Descriptions
AUDITIONS: This activity takes place in April (season auditions). Teams of two people work together dividing the jobs of checking in the musicians, showing them to practice rooms, and taking them to the audition room.
CONCERT HOSPITALITY: This job involves bring/serving snacks to the musicians. This activity takes place after the dress rehearsal and involves some setting up before the concert and cleaning afterwards.
CONCERT OPERATIONS: This job involves helping with the various aspects and operations such as program distribution, backstage assistance, etc. You will need to arrive 45 minutes before your scheduled assignment and possibly work 15 minutes into the concert.
FLYERS & TICKETS: This entails distributing concert flyers and tickets to the musicians at rehearsals before each concert series. This may also include distributing concert flyers and tickets to schools, senior housing facilities, or other organizations in order to expand our audience size at concerts.
PARKING LOT / REHEARSAL ROOM MONITOR: Parents are expected to pick up their children on time after rehearsal, but it doesn't always work that way. For the safety of our children, parents will take turns to stay after a rehearsal or a concert until all musicians are picked up.
Additionally, due to the large number of children involved in our programs, we request your help in monitoring student activities whenever you are present at a rehearsal or other event under the auspices of CYS. This includes help in the event of a building evacuation. Fire and building safety procedures will be presented at all parent meetings. Please also notify a CYS staff person if you become aware of any students violating any of the behavioral codes as defined in the Policies & Procedures.
Please refer to the schedule to see which date you are assigned to serve as Parking Lot / Room Monitor. Some families may serve more than one turn. If you are unable to assist on your assigned date, you may request to switch with another family by contacting the family directly. Please inform the VP Coordinator and/or Orchestra Manager of any changes. More information will be provided to those parents monitoring parking lots at venues other than Santa Rita Elementary School. Thank you for your help in ensuring the safety of our musicians - we appreciate your help with these matters!
WEBSITE ASSISTANCE: Graphic designers, photographers, videographers are welcome! Other tasks may also include scanning of CYS photo albums or researching and saving newspaper articles about CYS, in order to help build the "CYS History" page of our website.