Since its inception in 1952, the California Youth Symphony has earned a sterling reputation, in California and throughout the world, for the quality and integrity of its programs. This reputation is CYS' most important asset. In order to maintain this reputation it is necessary that all CYS members conduct themselves in a manner that brings respect and honor to CYS, their fellow members, and themselves. It is essential to respect the rights and property of others. We count on all participants to use common sense in avoiding situations and behavior that would put themselves or anyone else at risk, cause problems for the group, or adversely affect the safety, performance and enjoyment of all. CYS strictly enforces a zero tolerance policy with regards to the use of drugs and alcohol, smoking, any other illegal activities, and any form of harassment towards students and staff both from CYS students and their families. Since membership in CYS is an honor and a privilege, serious failures to adhere to the Code of Conduct and the Laws of California may result in serious consequences such as probation or expulsion from the organization. CYS reserves the right to immediately dismiss any student or family who violates the CYS Code of Conduct.
SUBSTANCE ABUSE: It is the responsibility of every member to be sober and free of drugs at performances, rehearsals, camp, and any activity sponsored by CYS. The possession and/or consumption of alcohol or an illegal substance is unacceptable. Infraction of the substance rule will be dealt with as follows:
First offense: A first offense will be dealt with by the Musicians' Council as it sees fit. If the musician is unable to perform or play his or her instrument, the musician's name will be given to the Conductor, who may take further action.
Second offense: A second offense will be referred immediately to the Music Director and the Board of Directors.
CYS recognizes the importance of school music programs in their communities. CYS highly recommends and strongly encourages its members to be active participants in those programs. CYS and the schools share a common goal of educating student musicians.
The orchestra is responsible for seeing that the rehearsal and performance facilities are left in good condition: tidy and undamaged. Open containers of food or beverages are not allowed in the rehearsal room. Packaging materials or other debris must not be left in the vicinity of the rehearsal rooms or performance halls. Respect for these premises will help ensure their availability to the Orchestra in the future.
All CYS students/families are expected to respect the instruments and personal property of other members. Damage to someone else's property is to be made good (repair or replacement) by the offending member. All CYS students/families are responsible for their instruments and all personal belongings brought to rehearsals or any CYS events. Lost, stolen or damaged instruments, instrument accessories, and all other personal items are not the responsibility of CYS. CYS strongly encourages all members to have their instruments insured. Should any damage occur to your instrument or any personal items go missing while you are participating in a CYS activity, please notify a CYS staff member immediately.
Code of Conduct and all camp rules must be obeyed.
Acceptance of your position in any CYS program is a year-long commitment. Reasons for a student’s decision to terminate their membership in any program mid-year will be reviewed by the Artistic Staff on a case-by-case basis, and may result in ineligibility to re-audition for CYS. CYS recognizes, however, that unavoidable situations may arise where you are no longer able to continue your participation, such as serious illness in the family, or relocation due to a parent’s job. In such cases, exceptions may be made to allow the student to re-audition.
CYS’s annual raffle is a required fundraiser for all members of CYS. Each student is required to sell one book of raffle tickets to raise $200 at a minimum. There are awards for the top sellers and the top selling CYS program.