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CYS ORCHESTRAS (SO/Senior & AO/Associate Orchestra)


  • Prospective members should have at least 3 years of private instruction.
  • Prospective members should have at least 1 year of experience in a school band or orchestra.
    • SCALES: A 3-octave triplet spiccato scale (each note played as a triplet), arpeggios not required. The bow needs to be BOUNCED off the string. Play the scale at quarter note= 120. Do not use a scale that is based on the lowest open string of your instrument (i.e. G Major for the violin or C major for the cello).

    • A prepared piece or study that best demonstrates your current ability (4 minute maximum). You must be able to demonstrate the use of VIBRATO in your selection. The use of vibrato is a basic prerequisite for entrance into the AO and/or the SO. 
    • SCALES: Full chromatic scales covering the full range of the instrument. Play articulation tongued (ascending and descending) and slurred (ascending and descending).
    • A prepared piece or study that best demonstrates your current ability (4 minute maximum). 
  • HARP: A 10-minute solo excerpt that demonstrates significant use of the pedals. Orchestral excerpts for harp, obtained for you by your teacher are also highly recommended.


CONDUCTOR: Pete Nowlen

  • A prepared piece or study that best demonstrates your current ability level (4 minute maximum)
  • Chromatic scales demonstrating your full range on your instrument.
    • Play articulation tongued (ascending and descending) and slurred (ascending and descending)
  • Prospective members should have at least 1 year of private instruction.
  • Prospective members should have at least 1 year of experience in a school band or orchestra ensemble.

STRING ENSEMBLES (VS/Virtuosi, IS/Intermezzi)


  • A prepared piece or study (3 minute maximum).
  • Two (2) octaves of G major AND D major scales.
    • Starting the scale on an open string is acceptable. Starting the scale on a fingered position is preferred.
  • Prospective members should have at least 2 years of private instruction.
  • Prospective members should be skilled in at least the 3rd position, (4th for cellists)

WIND ENSEMBLE (Intermediate)

CONDUCTOR: Anthony Lanzino

  • All parts of the audition should be played with an audible metronome, including the solo piece. Please submit the audition in the order listed below:
    1. Bb and F concert scale (tongued) in eighth notes at 80 bpm - one octave adding the 9th (see music linked below if unsure about the 9th)
    2. Chromatic scale (slurred) from your lowest note to your best-sounding highest note. Go slow and take as many breaths as you need. Range and sound quality is what is being evaluated, NOT SPEED. **Chromatic scale is not written on the attached music, if you do not know the chromatic scale please submit an audition for the Chamber Winds**
    3. Any solo piece at an intermediate/lower advanced level (3 minute maximum) or the solo from the music that is linked below.
  • If you do not have a prepared solo there is audition material for both the Chamber Winds and Wind Ensemble provided HERE. Please be sure to make sure you print and prepare the music for the correct instrument and pay attention that you only submit the Wind Ensemble portion from the music.


CONDUCTOR: Anthony Lanzino

  • All parts of the audition should be played with an audible metronome, including the solo piece. Please submit the audition in the order listed below:
    1. Bb concert scale (tongued) in eighth notes at 80 bpm - one octave adding the 9th (see music linked below if unsure about the 9th) 
      • **French Horns only should play F concert scale - their C scale**
    2. Any solo piece at an intermediate level (3 minute maximum) or the solo from the music that is linked below.
  • If you do not have a prepared solo there is audition material for both the Chamber Winds and Wind Ensemble provided HERE. Please be sure to make sure you print and prepare the music for the correct instrument and pay attention that you only submit the Chamber Winds portion from the music.


INSTRUCTOR: Artie Storch

  • A prepared piece or study of your choice appropriate to your performing level on snare, mallets (marimba or xylophone) and timpani.
  • Simple sight reading.
  • Experience with all instruments not required.

    No previous ensemble experience? Is this your first audition for an ensemble? The following excerpts are suitable for Chamber Winds and Wind Ensemble only:

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