Sunday, May 12 at 2:30 pm
at the Smith Center, Ohlone College, Fremont
Sunday, May 19 at 2:30 pm
at Flint Center, Cupertino
Festive Overture, Shostakovich
Introduction and Allegro, Ravel
.......Selina Her, soloist
Premier Rhapsody for Clarinet and Orchestra, Debussy
.......Eric Xu, soloist
Lincoln Portrait, Copland
.......Bryan Dyer, narrator
Violin Concerto No. 1, Wieniawski
.......Brian Kim, soloist
Pictures at an Exhibition, Mussorgsky
The California Youth Symphony Orchestra (Senior Orchestra) will conclude its 2012-13 season with a pair of concerts – on May 12 at 2:30pm in the Jackson Theatre, Smith Center, Ohlone College, Fremont (please note that this is a change of venue from Chabot College, Hayward) and on May 19 at 2:30pm at the Flint Center, DeAnza College, Cupertino.
The concert represents something of a first for CYS, featuring three orchestral soloists and a narrator. The three soloists are winners of the annual CYS Senior Soloist Competition: Selina Her, harp, performs the Introduction and Allegro by Ravel; Brian Kim performs the Wieniawski Violin Concerto No. 1; and Eric Xu performs Debussy’s Premiere Rhapsody for Clarinet. A special treat for the audiences will be a performance of Copland’s famous Lincoln Portrait, with special guest narrator Bryan Dyer.
Copland's Lincoln Portrait with guest artist, Bryan Dyer
Our final Senior Orchestra performances will feature a very special treat: Aaron Copland's stirring A Lincoln Portrait with guest narrator Bryan Dyer. Mr. Dyer is well known to Bay Area audiences as a prominent jazz singer and voice artist. Read more about this multi-talented musician.